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EU: Verbot von Halbautomaten - Teil 4

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Re: EU: Verbot von Halbautomaten - Teil 4

Beitrag von Octopus » Do 14. Apr 2016, 12:11

Oder diese bösen Gun-Aktivisten haben Schuld weil sie die ehrbaren Pläne der Kommission für ihr schmutziges und egoistisches Recht auf Eigentum und Selbstbestimmung geschwächt und verzögert haben.
Tight pants - tight groupings

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Re: EU: Verbot von Halbautomaten - Teil 4

Beitrag von savage3000 » Do 14. Apr 2016, 12:12

...gefolgt von Presseaussendungen dass der Schwarzmarkt gar nicht nicht angestiegen ist...
Lügen über Lügen halt...

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Re: EU: Verbot von Halbautomaten - Teil 4

Beitrag von tinti_fax » Do 14. Apr 2016, 12:17

Es darf gar keinen Schwarzmarkt geben. [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

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Re: EU: Verbot von Halbautomaten - Teil 4

Beitrag von Intensivtäter » Do 14. Apr 2016, 12:17

Dear Mr ******,

Thank you for writing to me about the proposal to amend the EU legislation on the control and possession of weapons, the Firearms Directive.

As you are aware, in November 2015 the European Commission proposed changes to the current EU Directive, which has been in place since 1991 and was last reviewed in 2008. The changes aim to improve the sharing of weapons registers between member states, enhance the marking of weapons and enable the tracking of deactivated weapons, such as antiques.

In the aftermath of the tragic terrorist attacks last year, it is right that we look at what more can be done to tackle terrorism and criminal activities. Effective gun controls are part of this, especially given that some weapons used in the Charlie Hebdo attacks were legally acquired and had been converted from blank-firing acoustic weapons into live weapons in Slovakia.

However, there was much discussion about the need to ensure the rules are proportionate and that they tackle real problems supported by real figures. A number of concerns were raised about the drafting of the proposals, not least that an impact assessment is absent and some of the language unclear. These concerns have come from museums, collectors, re-enactors, the film industry, 'airsoft' enthusiasts, sports shooters, those using firearms for pest control and military reservists.

The European Parliament's work on this file involves scrutinising the Commission's proposals and making amendments where necessary. It is completely normal for MEPs to make amendments and it is likely to be some time before there is a vote on these amended proposals.

Many MEPs have expressed concern about deactivated weapons. I am concerned that the Commission and member states took seven years to put rules ensuring proper deactivation in place. We need to ensure that these new rules are effective and they clearly need to be considered in the scrutiny process. MEPs will also want to clarify what is meant by the need for a medical test to be carried out before a license is granted and the distance selling requirements.

Conservatives in the European Parliament will be working closely with colleagues in coming weeks to make sure the legislation is clear and appropriate. I also believe it will be important to work closely with relevant experts, especially those representing stakeholders. Whilst it is right that we check for legal loopholes and improve communication between stakeholders, the Commission and the Parliament, any new legislation must be coupled with much greater enforcement of the law in order to combat the proliferation of illegal arms, crime and terrorism.

The most recent report from the Parliament is available here from Conservative MEP Vicky Ford who is the lead rapporteur. The proposed amendments to the Commission's proposed changes to the Firearms Directive will hopefully allay the concerns of collectors, re-enactors, sports shooters, hunters and other relevant parties without nullifying the positive effect of these changes on EU firearms legislation.

It recommends that the status quo should be maintained wherever there is insufficient evidence to justify a change to the directive and clarifies the scope of the directive by tightening definitions, in particular the issues of blank-firers and replicas, as well as clearer language for museums, collectors and the special cases when possession of category A 'prohibited' firearms should be permitted. It also recommends the rejection of the Commission's proposal to ban semi-automatic firearms which resemble firearms with automatic mechanisms on the grounds that some Member States have tried to implement this with little success. It recognises that many Member States already have requirements on safe storage and medical checks. Finally, more can be done to ensure that important information, such as when authorisation is refused, is shared between Member States.

When the Commission proposed changes to the Firearms Directive, the 28 countries of the EU independently adopted regulation setting the standards for the deactivation of firearms. This is due to apply to all deactivated firearms placed on the market from the 8th April 2016. As this has been adopted by all Member States, the Parliament does not have a formal legal role in this process. However, I am aware that there are many concerns about the logistics and practicalities of the new standards and I have urged Member States to give more clarity urgently on how they intend to implement the Deactivation Regulation. I have suggested a range of options for future amendments to deal with concerns about the Deactivation Regulation which have been raised by law enforcement authorities and other stakeholders.

The report will be debated by MEPs in the Internal Market Committee on the 21st April. MEPs will then have the opportunity to table their own suggestions and hopefully by the end of June the committee will have voted on the report, which will then become the basis of discussion with Member States in the Council. This is a priority for the Council so it is likely discussion will begin in September.

Thank you again for your email and I hope the above is useful to you. The opinions of my constituents are of great value to me and I appreciate you taking the time to contact me about this important matter.

Yours sincerely,
Timothy Kirkhope MEP

.357 Magnum
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Re: EU: Verbot von Halbautomaten - Teil 4

Beitrag von Intensivtäter » Do 14. Apr 2016, 12:21

Leute bitte weiter mailen was geht - aber immer korrekt bleiben!!!!!

.50 BMG
.50 BMG
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Re: EU: Verbot von Halbautomaten - Teil 4

Beitrag von Octopus » Do 14. Apr 2016, 12:26

positive effect of these changes on EU firearms legislation

Plötzlich ist er aufgewacht und das Bett war nass...

Das heißt also wieder das IMCO bearbeiten.
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Re: EU: Verbot von Halbautomaten - Teil 4

Beitrag von BigBen » Do 14. Apr 2016, 12:30

ALLE bearbeiten, regional, national, international.
Abusus non tollit usum - Mißbrauch hebt den (ge)rechten Gebrauch nicht auf

.50 BMG
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Re: EU: Verbot von Halbautomaten - Teil 4

Beitrag von Octopus » Do 14. Apr 2016, 12:40


Den Thread könnte man noch etwas aufstocken mit ein paar Adressen.
Tight pants - tight groupings

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Re: EU: Verbot von Halbautomaten - Teil 4

Beitrag von Heisenberg » Do 14. Apr 2016, 13:02

Rolang Düringer meine Damen und Herren!

I´m the one who knocks!

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EU: Verbot von Halbautomaten - Teil 4

Beitrag von Radetz » Do 14. Apr 2016, 13:32

Spannend finde ich, dass sich plötzlich einige Personen des öffentlichen Lebens zum Waffenbesitz bekennen. Damit bekommt der legale Waffenbesitzer ein Gesicht und wird nicht immer als Terrorist gesehen. (Hoffentlich)

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Re: EU: Verbot von Halbautomaten - Teil 4

Beitrag von Maddin » Do 14. Apr 2016, 13:42

Radetz hat geschrieben:Spannend finde ich, dass sich plötzlich einige Personen des öffentlichen Lebens zum Waffenbesitz bekennen. Damit bekommt der legale Waffenbesitzer ein Gesicht und wird nicht immer als Terrorist gesehen. (Hoffentlich)

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Sicher hilfreich wenn Leute wie Herr Hofer oder Herr Düringer unsere Ansichten teilen. Der 3. Nationalratspräsident (vielleicht bald Bundespräsident) und ein sehr berühmter Künstler stehen auf unserer Seite. 8-)

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Re: EU: Verbot von Halbautomaten - Teil 4

Beitrag von Der_David » Do 14. Apr 2016, 13:45

Nicht vergessen, jeder von uns besitzt so eine "gültige Stimme", darum auch Gebrauch davon machen und ein starkes Signal setzen.

.50 BMG
.50 BMG
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Re: EU: Verbot von Halbautomaten - Teil 4

Beitrag von Octopus » Do 14. Apr 2016, 13:52

Das mit den gültigen Stimmen kann man nicht oft genug betonen. Vor allem für die nächsten Wochen.
Tight pants - tight groupings

.50 BMG
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Re: EU: Verbot von Halbautomaten - Teil 4

Beitrag von hmg382 » Do 14. Apr 2016, 14:00

BigBen hat geschrieben:ALLE bearbeiten, regional, national, international.


Das letzte was derzeit noch zwischen dem totalen Gun ban und den EC-Autokraten steht, sind die MEPs ...

Ich hab grad das geleakte GENVAL Paper gelesen ... und als ich kurz vor Schluss war, da war ich einfach nur noch :angry-screaming:

Das muss man sich mal auf der Zunge zergehen lassen, was die <zensiert> aus dem Rat da reingepackt haben. Soviel <zensiert> ... da kann und will man gar nicht alles aufzählen ... das Sahnehäubchen ist aber das hier:
A.7) Semi-automatic firearms with one or more of the following
a) equipped or capable to be equipped with a firing capacity
exceeding six rounds without reloading;

Da können sie auch gleich "ALLE HAs" reinschreiben ... mein Aggressionspotential steigt grad ins Unermessliche ... beim kommenden Schriftverkehr mit meinen MEPs wird's schwer werden, da die Contenance zu bewahren ...
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Re: EU: Verbot von Halbautomaten - Teil 4

Beitrag von Radetz » Do 14. Apr 2016, 14:04

Schau zu unseren Deutschen Nachbarn, keine wechselbaren Magazine, mehr als 2 Patronen sind pfui.... Es geht schon los

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